Do you think that the Rod Blagojevich scandals and union "card check" have nothing to do with each other? Think again. Oh, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) makes an appearance in this video produced by the Workforce Fairness Institute.
The SEIU should foot the bill
for the Blago-defense fund.
It's a stretch and then some.
Blagojevich seems to have modeled himself after a combination of the Sopranos and the Three Stooges.
Anything further is simply a smear of unions.
Well it's a case of Blago's own
cronies split when the heat was on
Blago, so much for smearing aye?
My, My, My! SEIU and the weaker tax-salaried PACs had a friend in BLAGO!
Do not, however, expect ANY investigative reportage from our news hounds, as they are too far deep into SEIU's pockets.
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