But Trumka saves the worst for last, as he threatens lawmakers:
...and if you stab us in the back on the Employee Free Choice Act, and health care, and a bunch of other things...don't you dare...don't you dare ask for our support next year or whenever you're running. We need people who stand up for workers.
About the Employee Free Choice Act: Under its current form--although there are rumors of a compromise--EFCA will take away workers rights to make their decision to join a union via a secret ballot.
Funny, EFCA's chief sponsor, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), issued a veiled threat against his fellow Democrat, Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, his possible removal from his committee chairmanship--by secret ballot.
As you'll read below, there's a lot more wrong with card check.
But let's return to Trumka. Here's what Jillian Bandes wrote last month for Townhall about the "champion of working people."
Trumka has been investigated for illegal union campaign fundraising practices, violated AFL-CIO rules by refusing to disclose where $150,000 worth of union dues went, and been a longtime advisor to Al Gore, despite the warnings from Charles LaBella, former chief Of the Justice Department's campaign finance task force that investigated Trumka:
If I were advising a candidate, I would advise him or her very strongly that this is not someone you want to embrace.
Related posts:
AFL-CIO pension funds group sign $500 million letter of committment on Olympic housing project
Nonsense from a South Dakota AFL-CIO official about card check
WSJ: Beware of the new Employee Free Choice Act
Report from the bloggers' conference call about EFCA with Rep. Tom Price
Financially ailing AFL-CIO funding push for Obama's health care plan
"Creative accounting" creates problems for AFL-CIO
AFL-CIO meeting at luxury hotel in Miami Beach
Report from the bloggers' conference call with Rep. John Kline talking about EFCA
Union members: More equal than others in Obama's America
EFCA still sub-sixty?
Compromise on card check coming?
Report from the bloggers' conference call on EFCA and cash for union coffers
Report from the bloggers' conference call on EFCA and under-funded pensions
SEIU prez: Union spent $60.7 million to elect Obama
George McGovern: "The ‘Free Choice’ Act Is Anything But"
Report from the bloggers' conference call about Employee FORCED Choice binding arbitration
Report from the bloggers' conference call about card check
Former union organizer talks about card check
Minority business groups coming out against card check
Sen. Mitch McConnell on card check
Card check update: "A mortal threat to American freedom"
Blagojevich and union "card check"
Employee "free choice" may drive economic uncertainty
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Good blog, I just added you to my blogroll.
Also, here is one of my LaSalle, IL posts:
Obama stimulus campaign sign in LaSalle, Illinois
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