Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"No, no, no, no, no" to public-sector unions

Republican Michael Robinson is running for a seat in the Nevada state Senate and was asked to fill out a questionnaire from a public-sector union. He told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, "It's unbelievable. The unions truly still don't get it. ... They just keep pushing, and they don't get it."


The Peace Officers Research Association of Nevada, a coalition of Nevada police unions, sent 17 questions to legislative candidates, and 12 of them addressed tax increases, collective bargaining, retirement benefits and police pay. None addressed issues relating to crime. Among the gems:

"What is your position on the attack of the Reno and Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce's (sic) on the public employee benefits and compensation packages?"

"Are you willing to support the MORE COPS sales tax increase?"

"What is your position of (sic) a broad-based business tax?"

"What is your position on fixing the Mining tax concerns in Nevada?"
Robinson replied, "My answers were no, no, no, no, no."

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