Monday, April 26, 2010

NFIB urges Labor Dept. to investigate forced unionization of daycare providers

After decades of hemorrhaging members, organized labor has resorted to forced unionization to end the bleeding. They have no shame--Michigan daycare providers are being strong-armed. Which led the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) to send an open letter to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis--it wants answers.

Dear Secretary Solis,

On behalf of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, I am contacting you regarding our opposition to the illegal forced unionization of home-based daycare providers occurring in 15 states. In order to protect these small business owners in a time of economic uncertainty, we strongly urge you to investigate this matter thoroughly.

The NFIB Small Business Legal Center submitted an amicus brief in support of plaintiff appellants' application for leave to appeal in Loar v. Michigan Department of Human Services. The NFIB Small Business Legal Center is the nonprofit, public-interest law firm established to be the voice for small business in the nation’s courts and the legal resource for small business. It is the legal arm of NFIB. Our involvement in the Michigan suit underscores our members concern for the unprecedented and unlawful diversion of money by a state agency from the revenues of self-employed day care providers to labor unions that share few common interests with the providers.

According to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, 40,000 Michigan home-based daycare providers alone have been forced to contribute $3.7 million annually to a recently formed union by the United Auto Workers (UAW) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). This union provides no benefits or services to its members; these daycare owners did not vote for the union and the union does not bargain on their behalf. Many of these home-based daycare owners do not even know they are a dues paying member of a union. NFIB will continue involvement in as many states as possible to prevent the spread of this illegitimate scheme. Unless the Department of Labor acts immediately, a federal legislative solution will be necessary.

At a time when families are struggling just to keep their jobs, NFIB finds it unconscionable that a state agency would aid and abet the diversion of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of labor unions. NFIB appreciates your prompt response and attention to this matter. We look forward to working with you to further prevent this misuse of taxpayer dollars.

Karen Harned
Executive Director
NFIB Small Business Legal Center
Related post:

Tough mom fights back against unions and Pat Quinn

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