New figures published today show that the NHS is on course to meet the Welsh Assembly Government's 26-week waiting times' target for treatment, with more than nine in 10 patients already treated within that time.
By the end of the year, no patient should wait more than 26 weeks from primary care referral to start of hospital treatment, including waiting for specified diagnostic tests.
Twenty six weeks. That's six months. Simply put, it's not that way here.
But that may change if the Democrats' force ObamaCare on us.
Six months...sheesh.
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1 comment:
Last month, my doctor sent me to a specialist. The specialist ordered some dye-enhanced X-rays, and I also had a "scope." (Everything was fine, as it turned out.) Our insurance covered the majority of the cost. It was a sobering thought to realize that this sort of medical service might not be readily available, especially to an older person, under Obama-care.
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