Tuesday, November 17, 2009

AFSCME opposes Gitmo North

Here's a union that possesses some common sense. Hooray for them. WSIL-TV in Carterville, Illinois explains:

The union that represents most Illinois prison workers is speaking out against a proposal to sell a state correctional center.

Governor Pat Quinn, (D)-Illinois, and U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, (D)-Illinois, propose using the Thomson Correctional Center in Carroll County to house Guantanamo Bay detainees, but that's not why AFSCME is objecting.

Union leaders are concerned it would make other Illinois prisons unsafe.

"There's a ripple effect, a dangerous domino effect of inmates being transferred and reclassified throughout the system because the state prisons are so over-crowded," said AFSCME spokesman Anders Lindall.

So it's not just Republicans who oppose Gitmo North in Illinois.

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1 comment:

Dienekes said...

This isn't about AFSCME opposing terrorists being housed inside U.S. borders, it is about AFSCME wanting to get more poltical dollars to increase staff, so they can increase members and, therefore, get more dues.

Where there's a union, there's a hidden agenda.