Saturday, April 04, 2009

New York Times vs. unions

In a 2007 editorial, the New York Times eloquently wrote in favor the Employee Free Choice Act, better known as card check.

Here's an excerpt:

Labor unions have a role to play in helping to fix today's economic ills — most notably, worsening income inequality, a problem that's caused in part by unions' decline and the workers' resulting lack of bargaining power.

But here's is what the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz wrote this morning about the "pro-union" New York Times:

In a striking example of corporate hardball, the New York Times Co. has threatened to shut down one of its journalistic jewels, the Boston Globe, unless the New England paper's unions agree to sweeping concessions.

The Globe quoted union officials last night as saying that Times and Globe executives made the demands in a 90-minute meeting with union officials. The unions were asked to quickly agree to $20 million in cost-cutting moves to avoid the potential shutdown.

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