Just got back home from the Nationwide Chicago Tea Party--the Chicago edition. Got to meet up with some great bloggers including Tom Mannis of the
Chicago News Bench, Anne Leary of
Backyard Conservative, Jake and Michelle Jacobsen of
Freedom Folks, Lorraine Swanson of the
Chicago Journal, the writer (whose name I didn't catch) of
There Are Crooks in Illinois, as well as filmmaker
Andrew Marcus.Pictured is your humble blogger walking down Wacker Drive being interviewed by an NPR reporter.
Thanks to Marathon Pundit reader Pete for the photograph.
I have some errands to run, but more photos are on their way.
UPDATE 10:30pm CST: I forgot one blogger, El Rider of
Flying Debris.Technorati tags:
I hope that it comes out well, NPR has treated me fairly although they did once reschedule a piece in favor of an interview with Robert Reich. During the previous week's Ohio debetes Clinton and Obama went back and forth as to which of them would raise taxes higher and who would be more restrictive on trade so Mr. Reich was there to reassure listeners that the Great Depresion was caused by "overspeculation." I kid you not, pure propaganda.
But they have treated me fairly as far as quotes and meaning.
Here's your answer: Shlock
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