Thursday, January 01, 2009

Your New Year's Day Blago scandals reader

I know you've got a lot of good things happening up ahead.
The past is gone it's all been said.
So here's to what the future brings,
I know tomorrow you'll find better things.

The Kinks, "Better Things," 1981.

Here's to a great 2009. Or at least an improvement over 2008.

And for the first time this year, here is tonight's Blago scandals reader:

Daily Herald: New state ethics law targets 'pay to play'

CNN: Analysis: Constitutional fight looms over Senate seat

Southern Illinoisan (EDITORIAL): Blagojevich sinks to a new depth

Fox News: Democrats could try stall tactics to block Burris from Senate

The Oregonian: A bold new way to choose senators: Elect them

Augusta Chronicle (EDITORIAL): Another mud ball from Gov. Blago

ABC News: Burris appointment faces uphill battle

Chicago Tribune's Eric Zorn: Democratic circus deserves Burris

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Jim Roper said...

Maybe if Blago keeps Yowling, he'll
cough up a hairball!

Jim Roper said...

B-L-A-G-O, B-L-A-G-O, B-L-A-G-O,
and Blago was his Name-O!