Bill Ayers, Barack Obama's unrepentant terrorist friend, learned from that essay, although Orwell was hoping readers would not follow the bad examples he cited.
In a New York Times op-ed published this morning, a put-upon Ayers has the gall to mention Orwell he continues to remake his disgraceful past.
I never killed or injured anyone. I did join the civil rights movement in the mid-1960s, and later resisted the draft and was arrested in nonviolent demonstrations. I became a full-time antiwar organizer for Students for a Democratic Society. In 1970, I co-founded the Weather Underground, an organization that was created after an accidental explosion that claimed the lives of three of our comrades in Greenwich Village. The Weather Underground went on to take responsibility for placing several small bombs in empty offices — the ones at the Pentagon and the United States Capitol were the most notorious — as an illegal and unpopular war consumed the nation.
The Weather Underground crossed lines of legality, of propriety and perhaps even of common sense. Our effectiveness can be — and still is being — debated. We did carry out symbolic acts of extreme vandalism directed at monuments to war and racism, and the attacks on property, never on people, were meant to respect human life and convey outrage and determination to end the Vietnam war.
"Symbolic acts of extreme vandalism?" Sheesh, there must be some leftover radiation from the Manhattan Project in Ayers' Hyde Park.
About that Greenwich Village incident: Ayers' buddies weren't building a "symbolic" nail bomb, but the real thing. That bomb was supposed to have been detonated at a soldiers' dance at Fort Dix in New Jersey. Had the bomb been exploded as intendended, it would have killed dozens.
John Murtaugh was a child in 1970 when three gasoline bombs were "symbolically" exploded in his home, which is why he wrote eight months ago, "The Weathermen tried to kill my family."
Ayers' terror group attempted to detonate bombs at police station. They didn't go off. But had they "symbolically" exploded, the results could have been deadly.
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The U.S. government should ship
Ayers to Afganistan!
Thereby verifying Ayers' message that government is out of control and to be feared?
I seldom use the word hate.
I hate this man and nearly everything he stands for. If I ever meet him in person I will go to jail for what happens.
But his fears about what was going on in our government during the 60's were founded in fact... we were, as in "The Tonkin Gulf" incident, deceived. His efforts to stop this deception were misplaced, and therein lies my problem with him.
Still, he and his ilk can be our "canaries in the mines", provided we watch them closely and are careful to separate B.S. from truth.
Re. sending him to Afghanistan-
I don't want William Ayers anywhere close to ANYONE I care for, including our troops of the line.
This Ayers was locked up before,
they should've left him in there
to ROT. It's a shame he was
Dohrn, Ayers terrorist wife, spent a few months in jail for contempt of court, but charges against Ayers were dropped because of prosecutorial misconduct.
Yeah, I'd say that's a lucky break
for Ayers.
He Loved Big Brother.
Remember the UNI-BOMER????????????
Remember the UNI-Bomber???????????
Remember the UNI-Bomber???????????
Remember the UNI-BOMBER???????????
Remember the UNI-Bomber???????????
Remember the UNI-Bomber???????????
C'mon Beardo where are you when
we need your Pearls of Wisdom?
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