Now some of them are squirming. Blagojevich will appoint a replacement to serve the rest of the president-elect's Senate term. And if that person runs for a full term in 2010, Republicans, will gleefully refer to that pol as "Blago's pick."
And by 2010, Blagojevich could be under indictment. Yesterday's Chicago Tribune revelation that federal prosecutors secretly recorded a conversation he had with lobbyist friend John Wyma, removes any doubt that Blagojevich is under federal investigation.
Several Democrats have been touting themselves as the best choice as Obama's replacement.
On Friday, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who has been the most active campaigner for the post, said he recently reached out to Wyma as well as the governor's patronage chief, Victor Roberson, in an attempt to learn what Blagojevich is looking for in an Obama replacement. Jackson and Blagojevich, who once served as congressional colleagues, have not been politically close.
"I have spoken with several people who have access to the governor to determine the appropriate criteria [of] who and what he is looking for," said Jackson, who is among the few contenders for the job who has yet to meet with Blagojevich. "Mr. Wyma specifically said, 'If the governor grants you a meeting, be yourself.' "
Others who have expressed interest in the Obama vacancy, including Reps. Janice Schakowsky (Note: My congresscritter, an über-liberal), Luis Gutierrez and Danny Davis and Illinois Senate President Emil Jones, said they have not contacted Wyma for assistance.
I bet they're glad about that.
2010 figures to be a pivotal year for the beleaguered Illinois Republican Party. Amazingly, Blagojevich is considering running for a third term. Everyone I know, including Democrats, is livid about Cook County's "corruption tax," which was put in place by Obama's friend, Todd Stroger.
And there is a US Senate seat in play.
As for "Junior," he clearly is blessed by the same humility is famous father is known for:
So the bottom line is I believe I'm the best, ideal and most qualified candidate.
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Stroger, Obama,& Blagojevich as
the 3 stooges. with Rezko as
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Did you hear the good news? Obama is making it better for us already! Most people don't realize how much money there is out there. During economic times like this, there is more money to be had than ever. Because of the bailouts and economy, lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Believe it or not, there is people getting tons of cheap money nowdays to start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Bailout is for YOU
Rubberberry Pundit!
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