Some are building monuments, others are jotting down notes
Everybody's in despair, every girl and boy
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here
Everybody's gonna jump for joy
Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn
Bob Dylan, "The Mighty Quinn,"
It's cold enough for "Quinn The Eskimo" in Illinois tonight, it's just 4 above zero in Morton Grove.
But there's another Quinn we're interested in now, Lt. Gov. Patrick Quinn, an Oak Park Democrat who will almost certainly be governor of Illinois very soon.
As you'll see in this Illinois Republican Party video, our Quinn has a problem with flip flops regarding our miserable failure of a governor, Rod Blagojevich.
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Maybe Pat Quinn's integrity or
lack thereof should be investigated
too? The last thing we need in
Illinois government is another
Blago and Quinn. The blind leading
the blind.
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