Obama performed some legal work, 13 hours, for Rezko, and his law firm did much more. To this day, those records have not been released to the public.
Tomorrow the president-elect' staff will release its report on its contact with disgraced Governor Rod Blagojevich's office in regards to who would be Obama's replacement in the US Senate.
Kenneth P. Vogel of Politico has some questions that probably won't be answered.
Barack Obama is promising that next week (actually tomorrow) he'll disclose contacts between his staff and disgraced Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s office, but he’s stopped short of pledging to release e-mails or other records that could be key to understanding those contacts.
Whatever such records exist may never see the light of day, thanks to a gap in government records disclosure laws that allows presidential transition teams to keep their documents — even those prepared using taxpayer dollars — out of the public record.
The exemption from disclosure rules surprised some records law experts, and may prompt legislation from a leading Republican transparency advocate to apply the laws to presidential transition teams, which could compel Team Obama to preserve Blagojevich-related records for inspection, if only in the distant future.
But for now, a spokeswoman for President-elect Barack Obama said the transition team was not covered by a public information law that Politico cited in requesting copies of Obama staffers’ emails and notes about Blagojevich’s efforts to fill the Senate seat Obama vacated after winning the presidency.
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So Hussein O is claiming executive privilege before he becomes the chief exec. Didn't the democrats go crazy when GWB used it to keep top secret data top secret?
It may be a while before the
Messiah, aka. Obama releases any
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