However, millions of Bears fans will wake up tomorrow morning with the sad realization that Rod R. Blagojevich is still Illinois' governor.
In the meantime, now is a good time to catch up on the latest news on the Blagojevich scandals.
State Journal-Register: Impeachment panel takes weeklong break
CBS 2 Chicago: Pay to play? The governor's campaign war chest
New York Times: Impeachment panel hears of Blagojevich fund-raising
The Tennessean: Local Blagojevich hires defense lawyer
Washington Post: Secret tapes helped build graft cases in Illinois
AP: Impeachment panel awaiting word from prosecutor
Bloomberg: Blagojevich appointees decline to testify at panel
Bloomington Pantagraph: Blagojevich attorney trying to slow down impeachment
Peoria Journal-Star: Impeachment decision may be soon, committee says it could wrap up in early January
More tomorrow night.
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Can't wait till Blago is outta
there. As for the Bears, I hope
they get to the Superbowl this
year. It sure has been shaky this
year so far.
Thanks for the reply Mr. Courtesy
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