Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ill. GOP: Blago statement unacceptable

Since the Blagojevich scandals broke wide open, the clear voice of reason has been the Illinois Republican Party. If anyone thinks I'm being partisan, remember, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and his fellow Democrat, Lt. Governor Patrick Quinn, called for the Illinois General Assembly to remove the power of the governor to appoint Barack Obama's replacement in the US Senate. Durbin has flip-flopped since then, and Quinn favors an appointment--made by him as governor--followed by an almost immediate special election.

But it looks like Blago is going to be around for a while.

AP has more:

Unimpressed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich's vow to fight, Illinois Republicans said Friday the scandal-plagued governor must resign or be impeached.

GOP leaders also renewed their call for Democratic legislative leaders to approve a special election to fill President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat so Blagojevich can't make the appointment.

Illinois Republican Party chairman Andy McKenna said anything less than a resignation is "unacceptable."

"For the good of the people, Rod Blagojevich should resign from office immediately and spare voters any more heartache than he's already caused," McKenna said in a statement.

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Crazy Politico said...

I think we'll have 1 Senator from Illinois for quite a while. The impeachment is going to take months, and the Democrats aren't going to hold a special election and possibly give a seat to the GOP.

Jim Roper said...

Well Crazy Politico, lots of luck
getting Moronathon Pundit to
reply to one of your posts!