One friend of Obama and Ayers is former '60s radical Marilyn Katz, now an Obama fundraiser, strategist and public relations maven. She's often a go-to quote for reporters to knock down the Ayers-Obama story.
"What Bill Ayers and [former Black Panther, now U.S. Rep.] Bobby Rush . . . did 40 years ago has nothing to do with [the presidential campaign]," Katz was quoted as saying in the Chicago Sun-Times in April. "[Ayers] has a national reputation. He lectures at Harvard [University] and Vassar [College]."
What that story and many other pro-Obama articles gloss over is that during the violent protests of the 1968 Democratic National Convention here, Katz was the security chief for the radical Students for a Democratic Society. She once advocated throwing studded nails in front of police cars, back in the SDS days when the group was alleged to have thrown cellophane bags full of human excrement at cops and cans of urine and golf balls impaled with nails.
Under this Daley, her firm, MK Communications, has many city deals, and one involves public relations for the Chicago Police Department's community policing program. From nails to contracts, the Chicago Way. Apparently, irony was not a '60s thing.
Kass notes, as I have numerous times, is that the current mayor's father, the legendary Richard J. "Boss" Daley, the city's mayor for twenty years, was friends with Ayers' father, the longtime CEO of Commonwealth Edison. In other places that's not a big deal, but in Chicago it is. So when the younger Daley sought ought the younger Ayers to assist him in the reform of Chicago's woeful public schools, it was The Chicago Way.
Related post:
The Daley family, the Ayers family, and the Land of Coincidences
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Hey MP. Someone called into a radio show last night re: second debate and told the host to look at the end (remember the didn't shake hands lie), when they were interacting with the audience, Ayers was there. I thought I saw him earlier, but wasn't sure it was him. Do you have a capture or footage?
Ayers is going out of his way to avoid being noticed.
He's a coward.
Great if true(about the debate), but I doubt the US Secret Service would have allowed him in the ballroom.
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