Doug Ross @ Journal and The Audacity of Hypocrisy has more on Obama's ties (which Obama's campaign is denying) to ACORN. Ross focuses on the scrubbing of the Obama "Fight the Smears" site.
They're still lying, but the site goes from this claim:
• Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity."
To this one:
After: • Fact: ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee.
So he was never hired by ACORN. Who paid him? Or when recent law school graduate Obama worked for Project Vote--an ACORN group--in 1992, with lots of student loan debt, are we to believe Obama did that training work for free?
These evolving explanations and hide-and-go-seek games with the truth are a preview of an Obama White House. Luckily, we have three weeks left to prevent Obama's change of address.
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