If you're among the growing number of web surfers who who depend on Marathon Pundit for your sole source of news, then its important to know that Sen. John McCain has suspended his presidential campaign so he can focus on fixing our nation's financial crisis.
He also called for a postponement of Friday's presidential debate, a suggestion that Barack Obama has rebuffed. Obama will continue to campaign.
Either McCain wants to have as many debates with Obama as possible (he was the one running around complaining that Obama turned down his townhall-of-the-month club offer) or he's wimping out now that the failed conservative policies of the last few decades are coming home to roost....
There is no legitimate reason to do anything with the debate, other than offer to have the planned topic concentrate on the economy instead (something about which McCain has admitted he doesn't know anything and which his top adviser, Phil "Nation of Whiners" Gramm, helped develop the very deregulation legislation that is at the heart of our current mess).
So which is it, John? Either Sen. McCain is ready to debate Sen. Obama or he isn't.
Why's Sen. McCain so afraid of this week's debate? Even Alan Keyes didn't reneg on his debate appearances with Obama.
It will be interesiting to watch the Old Romans, Franks (Elagabulus), Schumer (Nero) and Reid ( Caligula) choke on the elaborate banquet of waste that they shoved down the throats of Americans all through the New Millenium.
Which is it, John?
Either McCain wants to have as many debates with Obama as possible (he was the one running around complaining that Obama turned down his townhall-of-the-month club offer) or he's wimping out now that the failed conservative policies of the last few decades are coming home to roost....
There is no legitimate reason to do anything with the debate, other than offer to have the planned topic concentrate on the economy instead (something about which McCain has admitted he doesn't know anything and which his top adviser, Phil "Nation of Whiners" Gramm, helped develop the very deregulation legislation that is at the heart of our current mess).
So which is it, John? Either Sen. McCain is ready to debate Sen. Obama or he isn't.
Why's Sen. McCain so afraid of this week's debate? Even Alan Keyes didn't reneg on his debate appearances with Obama.
It will be interesiting to watch the Old Romans, Franks (Elagabulus), Schumer (Nero) and Reid ( Caligula) choke on the elaborate banquet of waste that they shoved down the throats of Americans all through the New Millenium.
Watch McCain make sure that they eat every bite!
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