Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New site: Biden Gaffe Clock

The poor soul who is in charge of the new Republican National Committee site, the Biden Gaffe Clock, reminds me of the Greek god Atlas. Sure that person is super-human, but there is more to it than that. He or she cannot take a break, cannot go on vacation, cannot even use the bathroom--just like Atlas, who was condemned by Zeus to hold the sky up--for eternity.

The Biden Gaffe Clock webmaster can never leave the keyboard--because Joe Biden is so busy spewing gaffes there is no such thing as down-time.

Biden's latest gaffe is of course chronicled there, and it involves the six-term senator's claim that Joint Chief of Staff Mike Mullen said "We are not winning in Iraq." Admiral Mullen never said such a thing. He did say something along those lines about Afghanistan, which by the way, Obama and Biden believes where the "real fight" against terrorism should be.

As this is a late night post, I have a timely question: Does Biden gaffe in his sleep?

More gaffes tomorrow...

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Anonymous said...

Did you catch Letterman tonight? Since McCain stiffed him with short notice, Dave thought it might be prudent for presidential candidates to have a back-up person, a stand-in if you will. A number 2. A replacement. Somebody qulaified to step in if the presidential candidate, you know, could no longer serve.

Palin, within blocks of the studio, and taping a CBS interview at almost the exact moment McCain cancelled, was not ready to take his place. On a comedy show.

Game. Set. Match. The proverbial emperor that was the McCain-Palin campaign, is now officially naked.

Anonymous said...

47... I thought it was the "PALIN!!!!!-(some Senator guy)" campaign. ;)

Anonymous said...

Going on the David Letterman show is sophomoric and doesn't do anything but give Letterman joke material and give a democratic candidate a plug. At one time he had promise but the show is a shadow of itself. Letterman should have stopped after his recounting of McCain's war experience, the rest was crying.

Letterman was right about one thing "Letterman is a lightweight"

Marathon Pundit said...

Letterman is a McCain would get a fair shake on that show...Remember how he mistreats O'Reilly?

Anonymous said...

Buy stock in Kleenex -- there's a lot of whining and crying going on around this blog lately.

Unknown said...

Letterman is still on TV?

Anonymous said...

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