Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dukakis flops on Hannity & Colmes when asked to name Obama's accomplishments

An hour ago I watched Michael Dukakis, the Democrats' 1988 nominee on Hannity & Colmes. Sean Hannity asked the former Massachusetts to name Barack Obama's accomplishments. Just as he did in the general election that year, Dukakis flopped. He mumbled something about "the death penalty" and finally settled upon "integrity."

What a joke. Integrity? Obama is a guy who runs around with Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko (until he was jailed), and Emil Jones.

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. This bodes poorly for Obama when he accepts the Democratic nomination tomorrow from a mock Greek temple.

Related post:

Obama supporter exposes his idol as an empty suit

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Anonymous said...

Dukakis....THANK GOD This little, sneering, shriveled-up gnome did not become US Prez.

Anonymous said...

I see we have our GOP talking points for the day. For the record, the answer is Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Ethics Reform, most notably. So now feel free to reply, "is that it?"

And if every single government building in DC is a Greek temple, then yes, it's a Greek temple.

Marathon Pundit said...

You mean that Lugar bill? Who could be against dismantling of old nuclear weapons?

Ethic? Funny, I read in Audacity of Hope about his pleasure in paying only first class commercial rate to fly on a private jet.


Ethics? Tony Rezko. Ethics? Emil Jones. Ethics? Todd Stroger.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I saw the same interview. I think Hannity thought Dukakis was going to be easy pickin's. Dukakis had him whimpering in the corner like a naughty schoolboy he is.

Marathon Pundit said...

Too bad Dukakis couldn't name any of Obama's accomplisments.

Unknown said...

Du-ka-ka...pretty funny guy, what a limp dicked waste, of course he's an American Liberal, they all are.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty bad when "Du-ka-ka... a limp dicked waste" exposes you and makes your questioning look stupid!

Accomplishments ... are you guys in denial? Just look what he's done the past 18 months against all odds. Smell the coffee will ya!

What guys like you and Hannity going to do for a real job for the next 8 years as your followers wither away.

Marathon Pundit said...

Obama created a cult around himself. An accomplishment, yes. But personality cults tend to end badly.

Anonymous said...

Bush has been the best example of a cult following a personality over substance. I think we can all agree that it has ended up badly, for the country, the people and even his own party. He dug a deep hole that will take a while to get out of.

I'll take a "cult leader" who is intelligent enough to get into and out of Harvard any day. Relax, he'll figure out how to get us out of some these messes that "W" has gotten us into these past 8 years. He might make a few mistakes, but I have faith he'll figure it out or surrond himself with people who can.

I've mostly voted Republican during my life. Not this year. It is truly time to swing the pendulum back a few notches ... didn't like the direction it was going in.

We'll vote these guys out in 4-8 years after they screw up a bit. Heck, that's the American way. We always need someone to blame.

Greybeard said...

"...I think we can all agree that it has ended up badly..."
See, there's your problem pal.
Always assuming.
You DO know what assume means, don't you?

Don't do it.
You'll be wrong much of the time.

Kerry in '04? Not on my life.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Greybeard. For some of you folks maybe it's been a great ride. But you gotta stop thinking in the past man. Kerry's not running (I didn't like him either) It's 2008.