After years of hosting Hardball on MSNBC, Chris Matthews finally does some good journalism. Kirk Watson is a state senator from Texas, not some dreamy eyed MySpace Obama supporter. As a public official and a legislator, don't you think that Watson would be able to name any national legislative accomplishments the Cult of Change leader can list on his résumé when prompted?
Watson, along with Hillary Clinton supporter Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, appeared on Hardball last night as the returns from the Wisconsin Primary trickled in. Transcript courtesy of Captain's Quarters:
Matthews: "Well, name some of his legislative accomplishments. No, Senator, I want you to name some of Barack Obama's legislative accomplishments tonight if you can."
State Sen. Watson: "Well, you know, what I will talk about is more about what he is offering the American people right now."
Matthews: "No. No. What has he accomplished, sir? You say you support him. Sir, you have to give me his accomplishments. You've supported him for president. You are on national television. Name his legislative accomplishments, Barack Obama, sir."
State Sen. Watson: "Well, I'm not going to be able to name you specific items of legislative accomplishments."
Matthews: "Can you name any? Can you name anything he's accomplished as a Congressman?"
State Sen. Watson: "No, I'm not going to be able to do that tonight."
Matthews: "Well, that is a problem isn't it?"
More from Rick Moran at the American Thinker:
Indeed it is, Chrissy - for Obama. For John McCain and the GOP, it is a great opportunity to show the American people just how empty Obama's emphasis on "change" really is. McCain has had a legislative career where he has led the fight on many issues and has had his name attached to several bills (some of them, like McCain-Feingold, are less than popular with conservatives).
Obama can cut and paste his policy positions on his website all he wants and it still won't give him any accomplishments in the Senate. And you can bet that McCain will try and get the voters to focus on that aspect of Obama and not his Messiah-like personality or speaking ability.
As for the man who made a fool of himself last night: Watson is from Austin, the most liberal city in Texas.
For the record: Only one of Obama's bill has written has been made into law since 2005.
UPDATE 1:30 PM CST: My apologies. I had a misplaced link, and a misplaced source--Rick Moran instead of Ed Morrissey of Captain's Quarters. Both are great writers, by the way.
UPDATE 2:45pm CST: HRC saw the clip, and uses the ammo from it in a speech she made today in New York.
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MSNBC Maladies
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1 comment:
Compliments like that B.O .don't need -
'Keeps a neat wallet'
'Never concerned about barometric pressure'
'Takes compliments well'
'Always sleeps with lids tightly shut'
'Pares nails (toe/finger) without demands to do so'
'Eats with Gusto'
'Harbors few fugitives'
'Grants assent to back-scratching'
'Where there's Hope, there's audacity and vice versa'
'Makes no small plans'
'Packs his own unmentionables'
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