Tuesday, January 22, 2008

GOP slate minus one: Fred Thompson bows out

Another Thompson has withdrawn from the race to become the Republican Party's presidential nominee in November. After a disappointing performance in the Iowa Straw Poll, former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson ended his presidential quest.

And a couple of weeks later former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson entered the fray.

Fred was given a better chance than Tommy, but Fred Thompson's allure wore off as soon as he entered the race. I'm not the first to make this observation, but the former Law & Order actor was like the second string quarterback of a struggling football team--a hero until his first incomplete pass.

He didn't make any memorable blunders, but Thompson came across as unprepared, unsure and unsteady in his early campaign and debate appearances. He cranked it up a bit later, but by then it was too late--he was yesterday's fantasy hero.

Still, he's a good guy who will land on his feet.

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