Saturday, March 10, 2007

The smell of something burning, and then digital silence

Blogging from my Treo 650 in Palos Heights, Illinois.

Last night I was installing some extra RAM into my desktop--and I turned the computer on...and that sickening electrical burn smell came forth.

It's still under warranty, but I have to ship it to Arizona.

The machine is flawed, I've been having problems with it since I bought it in August.

I called the help desk, they told me "Obviously the RAM chip you bought was incompatible." However, I purchased the chip directly from the same help desk--but from a different customer service representative.

I'm at my mom's house--my boyhood home--typing this with two fingers.

I wasn't going to be blogging much today or tomorrow--Sunday I'm helping someone move, but posting will be lighter for the next few days.

Lighter, but a long way from non-existant.

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