Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Illinois may crack down on military license plate fraud

I see these license plates all the time here in the Land of Lincoln--commemorative license plates honoring Illinois vets who've been awarded Purple Hearts or Bronze Star. There are also special plates for ex-POWs.

Sadly, there are some fabricators of the autobiographical sort who have those license plates--and they haven't earned the right to place those tags on their vehicles.

Now, something may be done about that.

From CBS 2 Chicago:

It takes battle scars to earn the Purple Heart medal but only a military discharge to get an Illinois Purple Heart license plate.

Recent cases of fraud are moving politicians to crack down.


The bill itself provides for a $1,000 fine, but it could grow stronger. The bill will be ready for introduction to the state legislature this spring.

"It's wrong and it's ugly and we won't stand idly by and let it continue," said Secretary of State Jesse White.

The Illinois secretary of state, a veteran of the 101st Airborne Division, is pushing legislation that would make it a crime with a $1,000 fine for anyone who lies to get military license plates.

One more idea: Put their names in the local newspaper with an accompanying photograph.

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