From Michigan IndyMedia, about this conference:
* U.S. Imperialism Today: Is the Bush Doctrine Finished?
* What do Socialists Mean By Revolution?
* Hidden from History: The Fighting Tradition of U.S. Workers
* Army of None: Organizing Against Military Recruitment
* Soldiers Rebellions: From Vietnam to Iraq
* Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx
* No Human Being is Illegal: The Fight for Immigrant Rights
* The Revolutionary Legacy of Che Guevera
* The Fire Last Time: Student Movements of the 1960s
* Is Socialism Against Human Nature?
* Israel: The Hijack State
* Abortion Rights: No Apologies, No Restrictions
* System Failure: Why Capitalism Doesn’t Work
* Chavez, Venezuela and the Fight for Socialism
* Introduction to the ISO
* Race and Class Exposed: How Can We Stop Oppression?
* Socialism from Below or Socialism from Above: Marxism vs. Stalinism
* Leninism: Myth and Fact
* Buy It, Read It, Sell It: How We Use Socialist Worker
* Iraq for Iraqis: Why We Defend the Right to Resist
* Leon Trotsky on "The United Front"
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