Perhaps it was a big mistake, but Davis, who says he's "been involved in public service all of his life" didn't know that he could have used a provisional ballot to exercise his franchise during last month's Tennessee Primary.
As he boasts in this professionally-produced United Steel Workers video, in addition to serving in Congress, Davis is also a former state representative, state senator, and mayor. How many campaigns has he been involved in? While I don't expect a member of the general public to know about provisional ballots, surely Davis should. I strongly suspect that he's manipulating what could have been an honest error into a political issue because of Republican efforts to crack down on vote fraud by passing voter ID laws and combatting ghost registrations.
Occupy Chicago, Nov, 17, 2011 |
Turn off the waterworks, USW and Davis. Stop the crocodile tears.
Tennessee sure has some goofy Dems.
Next: USW voter ID video.
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