I was born to bring trouble to wherever I'm at
Got the number thirteen tattooed on my neck
When the ink starts to itch, then the black will turn to red.
Johnny Cash, "Thirteen."
And there is plenty of that red ink Johnny Cash sang about sixteen years ago. $13 trillion fiscal gallons of it. I was in my car this afternoon when I heard that our national deficit had reached this ominous millstone, and on my way home a encountered another Des Plaines, Illinois Obama stimulus "campaign sign." The placard should read "This deficit brought to you by American Revovery and Reinvestment Act."
The Senate Republican Communications Center has more on the unlucky 13.
$13,000,000,000,000The campaign sign is situated on the edge of a clearing where a monument dedicated to the US Marines who fought at the 1918 Battle of Belleau Wood is located. Couldn't have they moved it up the road a bit?
America’s National Debt Hits Record High As Private Income Shrinks And Government Benefits Balloon
SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Europe's in the midst of what German Chancellor Angela Merkel describes as an existential crisis, all brought about by governments that spent money they didn't have. Americans are watching this crisis play out, and they see Democrats doing the same thing here day after day after day." (Sen. Mitch McConnell, Floor Remarks, 5/26/10)
"The U.S. National Debt Hit $13 Trillion Today, A Stratospheric Number With Looming Implications For Every Citizen." ("National Debt Clock — Tracking the Red," Fox News, 5/26/10)
"Paychecks From Private Business Shrank To Their Smallest Share Of Personal Income In U.S. History During The First Quarter Of This Year, A USA TODAY Analysis Of Government Data Finds." ("Private Pay Shrinks To Historic Lows As Gov't Payouts Rise," USA Today, 5/25/10)"At The Same Time, Government-Provided Benefits — From Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Food Stamps And Other Programs — Rose To A Record High During The First Three Months Of 2010." ("Private Pay Shrinks To Historic Lows As Gov't Payouts Rise," USA Today, 5/25/10) "Those Records Reflect A Long-Term Trend Accelerated By The Recession And The Federal Stimulus Program To Counteract The Downturn. The Result Is A Major Shift In The Source Of Personal Income From Private Wages To Government Programs." ("Private Pay Shrinks To Historic Lows As Gov't Payouts Rise," USA Today, 5/25/10) "The Trend Is Not Sustainable, Says University Of Michigan Economist Donald Grimes. Reason: The federal government depends on private wages to generate income taxes to pay for its ever-more-expensive programs. Government-generated income is taxed at lower rates or not at all, he says. 'This is really important,' Grimes says." ("Private Pay Shrinks To Historic Lows As Gov't Payouts Rise," USA Today, 5/25/10) "Economist Veronique De Rugy Of The Free-Market Mercatus Center At George Mason University Says The Riots In Greece Over Cutting Benefits To Close A Huge Budget Deficit Are A Warning About Unsustainable Income Programs." ("Private Pay Shrinks To Historic Lows As Gov't Payouts Rise," USA Today, 5/25/10)
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