I've noticed that you frequently like to make note of Obama's ties to Jim Johnson, who has not been involved with the campaign for months, but don't have much to say about Rick Davis’s connections to Fannie/Freddie, which were not severed until one month ago (assuming that's even true). With McCain/Palin, the truth seems to be very fluid.
My Davis post is linked at the bottom of this one. But it seems like the Barack Obama campaign can't let go of former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson.
Ben Smith of Politico wrote what you see below yesterday:
Former Senator Tom Daschle, a top Obama backer, emailed a select list this afternoon that he and Johnson would be leading a briefing intended largely for Clinton's campaign brain trust next month.Johnson, until his Fannie Mae notoriety made him an-almost household name, was best known as the campaign manager for Walter Mondale's presidential run. Mondale won one state--his home state of Minnesota--and the District of Columbia.
"Jim Johnson and I have scheduled another informal breakfast discussion and update on the campaign early next month," he wrote to a list including Senator John Kerry, James Carville, and Richard Holbrooke, as well as Clinton's former top campaign aides, including Howard Wolfson, Geoff Garin, and Harold Ickes.
Johnson's involvement comes at a moment when political association with the failed mortgage giants is particularly toxic. He was already the subject of a McCain ad attacking Obama.
The October third breakfast is also a mark of the continuing effort to bring the ex-Clintonites into the Obama fold.
NOTE: These are regular briefings, as Marc Ambinder has reported, though Johnson hasn't previously been cast in a leading role.
Related posts:
New York Times bias report (The Rick Davis post)
New McCain-Palin ad: "Jim Johnson"
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