Saturday, September 28, 2024

Van Morrison with Willie Nelson: What's Wrong with this Picture?

Van Morrison is back with another album, New Arrangements and Duets, which was released Friday. 

The Belfast Cowboy has made a lot of enemies in the media because of his strident--and correct--stand against COVID-19 lockdowns.

These versions were recorded over decades. Morrison has been busy releasing material--some new and some old--and predictably, the media is attacking him for that.

Would the prefer all his archived work be issued, wily-nily, after his death? The ghouls tainted the legacy of Jimi Hendrix and so many more artists.

What a bunch of losers, the media is. That is why when a newspaper or a magazine folds, I shed no tears. The media doesn't tell the story, it tells their story.  That is why readers are turning out.

Back to Van the Man. 

The album is jazzy with a big band sound. And among the duets are two songs with Willie Nelson.

"What's Wrong with this Picture?" is one of them. It is graced with countrified slide guitar. Nelson and Morrison have different vocal styles, which is why this track works.

And this song, which was originally released in 2003, contains subtle attacks on the media. 

This edition of "What's Wrong with this Picture?" was recorded in the late 2010s.


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