Saturday, February 25, 2023

Danny Elfman: Veruca Salt

Roald Dahl was in the news a lot this week. Quite the misanthrope, one of the charms of Dahl's books was that you couldn't tell whether he liked his main characters or not. 

Dahl's publisher announced this week that they would take "offensive" words from some of his works, such as the use of "fat" to describe the gluttonous Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Instead, he's "enormous." 

The American Conservative says it's "better to burn the books." I agree.

Wokism needs to be smashed. 

But in a pleasantly surprising reversal, Dahl's publisher announced that it would offer two versions of those artisically-vandalized books, the new woke editions and the original, dubbed "classic." Of course, the classic will outsell the woke.

Speaking of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he's my favorite Danny Elman tune--using Dahl's lyrics--from the Tim Burton-directed film, "Veruca Salt." I particularly like the sitar.

From my post at Da Tech Guy: “Roald the Rotten” Dahl an unlikely hero in battle against wokism.

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