Friday, September 03, 2021

Blog post headline from Hollywood writer: Oh my f*cking god, get the f*cking vaccine, you f*cking f*cks

Some Hollywood producer and writer, one that I never heard of, Wendy Molyneux, exposes her as a typical leftist. Despite their apparent charm and intelligence, they aren't far removed from the rambling loon you find on a city bus every once in a while. 

Oh, there were no asterisks in the headline. 

 Here's how she ends her blog post, which comes from a site named McSweeney's:
There is ONE person remaining in your life who wants to fucking save you from drowning in your own fucking lungs, you fucking fuckshit fuckdick, so for god’s sake, get your fucking ass out of your chair, go to the fucking pharmacy, and get a fucking vaccine, you absolute conscienceless fucking fuck fuck fuck. Get it. Get the fucking vaccine. Fuck you. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck!
Oh, if you need to know, I am fully vaccinated. It was my choice.

Oh, the survival rate from COVD-19 for people under 75 with no underlying health problems is about 99 percent

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