Friday, March 26, 2021

Biden relied on cheat sheets during press conference

Despite the love fest that you'll find on networks such as MSNBC and CNN over Joe Biden's first press conference as president, it didn't go well. Biden rambled and appeared confused a few times. 

Later yesterday it became clear that Biden relied on cheat sheets for the entire press conference. Other presidents never went that far.

From the Daily Mail:

Images taken during President Joe Biden's first press conference on Thursday showed him using cheat sheets - which did not prevent him from misstating key facts and losing his train of thought at times.
The 78-year-old Democrat is seen holding one sheet that showed the headshots of journalists at the press conference that he planned to call on.
Another cheat card listed stats about infrastructure, but Biden was still forced to correct himself after mistakenly saying the US ranked 85th in the world in infrastructure.
The bullet point on one of his notes read: 'The United States now ranks 13th globally in infrastructure quality, down from 5th place in 2002.'

Now who else besides me thinks Biden got his questions in advance? 

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