Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Speaker-for-life Madigan ousted in Illinois

It's all over but the formalites. The man who destroyed Illinois, longtime Speaker of the state House Michael Madigan (D-Chicago), who has held the post for all but two years since 1983, willl not be reelected. Boss Madigan has also been chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party since 1998.

Replacing him will be suburban Chicago state Rep. Chris Welch. He's not a prize either but this is still great news for the remaning decent citizens of Illinois. 

The state Republican Party, an ineffective opponent of Madigan had this to say about Madigans ousting of about Welch in, you gussed it, a press release:

In Madigan’s stead, they have promoted a serial harasser and assaulter of women. But in spite of that, Welch passed the most important test this fall - he’s been a loyal Madigan ally for years but performed most recently as Madigan’s human shield in legislative hearings investigating the sweeping corruption scandal that ultimately brought Madigan down.

For uears the right-leaning think tank, the Illinois Policy Institute, led attack on Madigan. Well done, my friends.


1 comment:

Levois said...

If the state Republicans weren't in such awful shape this would be an opportunity. Pick up some seats around the state. See how potent Madigan's organization remains after all these changes.