Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Bah humbug: Leftist on Truthout attacks Christmas and other holidays

Here's a coal in our stocking from ulta-left Truthout, spewed by Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith, a self described, "radical labor activist."

Bah humbug!
‘Tis the season…for leftist ambivalence toward commercialist and patriarchal holiday traditions.

It’s no wonder that many leftists have mixed feelings about holiday festivities, given their link to oppressive institutions and crass cooptation by capitalism.

Celebrating the virgin birth of a male deity who was to become king can be alienating for those who have anti-hierarchal, feminist values, and likewise many anti-Zionist internationalists struggle with ethno-nationalist expressions of the Passover holiday.

Secular, national holidays like the 4th of July and Thanksgiving are even more offensive, as they enact a false and incomplete narrative of the US’s settler colonial past.
Why can't they just ignore it, as I do with their holiday, Earth Day.

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