Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tucker Carlson: If we erase the past, prepare for the consequences

Tucker Carlson raised some great points in his show last night, based on President Donald Trump's remark in his Trump Tower press conference, "Are statues of slave owners George Washington and Thomas Jefferson coming down next?"

Possibly. Two years ago Ashleigh Banfield mused on air about the possibility of razing the Jefferson Memorial. Last year hundreds of leftists called for the removal of a Theodore Roosevelt statue inside the American Natural History Museum because they say he was a racist.

Many of the Founding Fathers were slaveholders. Does that make the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights illegetimate?

Some leftists, Carlson says here, claim hate speech, whatever that may be, should not be protected. The point of course of freedom of speech is to protect unpopular speech.

But hate speech to them, in my opinion, is speech that leftists don't agree with.

Tucker delivered a tour de force last night.

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