Monday, June 08, 2015

ILL-inois: Union mob disrupts downstate Rauner speech

The howls and the screeches described below are the voices of the past. Illinois has a new governor, reform Republican Bruce Rauner.

From the Belleville News-Democrat:
Half of the people who heard Gov. Bruce Rauner speak at Eckert’s Farms in Belleville Monday afternoon cheered in support of the Winnetka Republican's Turnaround Agenda. The other half —union workers dressed in workboots and hardhats — loudly booed and heckled the governor the whole time he spoke.

Rauner's visit came as tension in Springfield tightens after the General Assembly —led by House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, and Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago — ended its regular session by passing a fiscal 2016 budget that's more than $3 billion out of balance.
If the union goons had any horse sense they'd be booing Madigan and Cullerton. Yes, Rauner wants to crack down on union giveaways, but the Prairie State is broke and it can't print money. As I've said before, the Great Gatsby era of Illinois spending is over.

Besides--these labor loudmouths have no manners.

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