Thursday, May 14, 2015

Baltic States seek much larger NATO force to face Russia

Freedom Monument,
Riga, Latvia
A resurgent and anti-Western Russia is part of the sad Obama record. Amazingly, Mrs. Marathon Pundit, a native of Latvia, tells me that Dear Leader is quite popular in the middle Baltic States because he sent a token American force on the Russian western frontier. Let's not be so hard on the Latvians, after all, a majority of Americans voted for Obama for president.

From the Washington Times:
Reflecting growing nervousness about recent aggressive moves from Russia, NATO’s three Baltic members — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — said Thursday that they will ask the alliance to permanently deploy thousands of ground troops to their nations, prompting a quick and sharp condemnation from Moscow.

NATO officials, gathering for a regular ministerial meeting in Turkey, said they were aware of the request and are open to considering it, but that it is too early to say how the alliance will respond.

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