Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Bergdahl: Not as bad as Robert Garwood (I think)

It is becoming clear that the so-called POW Bowe Bergdahl was at best a deserter and at worst a traitor. So, this is the guy that President Obama, possibly illegally, swapped for five Taliban Gitmo terrorist leaders.

Six soldiers died attempting to rescue him.

I'll close this post on a positive note--he's not as vile as Vietnam War deserter Robert Garwood, who interrogated and maltreated his fellow Americans imprisoned by the North Vietnamese.

Then again, the Bergdahl story hasn't completely unfolded yet.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

WTF-are you kidding.. No one died looking for Garwood. The evidence in the Garwood case is inconclusive at best. Jack Garwood didn't get on the television praising the North Vietnamese. There is still murky proof that Americans are being held in Vietnam. Garwood was drummed out of the USMC for a lot less than Bergdahl and he wasn't promoted in absentia.