Monday, May 26, 2014

(Video) Al Jolson with troops in Korea shortly before his death

Against his doctor's advice, the legendary Al Jolson traveled to Korea to entertain American troops one more time shortly after the Korean War began.

The World's Greatest Entertainer sang for soldiers and sailors during World War II in Central America, North Africa, Alaska, Europe, and the South Pacific. In that last location Jolson lost part of his left lung after being afflicted with malaria. The star of The Jazz Singer paid his own way and accepted no pay during these tours.

Here's a news reel short of Jolson with Jolson and our troops in Pusan, Korea in September, 1950. He died a month later--not six days, as the narrator claims--in San Francisco at the age of 64.

Today is Memorial Day. Remember our troops who have fallen and who are no longer with us.

Related post:

A Mother's Day salute to Al Jolson

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