Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why didn't he endorse Truax? Kirk won't campaign for Oberweis

I was greatly disappointed last week when Illinois' moronic voters--Republican ones, mind you--chose political gadfly and six-time loser Jim Oberweis over newcomer Doug Truax to face lifetime pol Dick Durbin in November's US Senate election.

Illinois' other senator, Republican Mark Kirk, says he won't campaign for "Obi," saying, "I'm going to be protecting my relationship with Dick and not launching into a partisan jihad that hurts our partnership to both pull together for Illinois."

Oberweis is a certain loser this fall.

But where was Kirk before the primary? If Oberweis is a bum--wait, he is one--then why didn't Kirk back Truax? And would it have been "partisan jihad" for Kirk to support Truax?

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