Friday, March 28, 2014

The coming paradigm shift on global warming

Frozen Baltic Sea, Saulkrasti, Latvia
Just in time for Saturday night's dog-and-pony lights-out show called Earth Hour, comes a possible chilly sea-change in regards to global warming.

From S. Fred Singer in The American Thinker:
The just-published NIPCC reports may lead to a paradigm shift about what or who causes current climate changes. All the evidence suggests that Nature rules the climate – not Man.

Watch for it: We may be on the threshold of a tipping point in climate history. No, I'm not talking about a tipping point in the sense that the Earth will be covered with ice or become hellishly hot. I’m talking about a tipping point in our views of what controls the climate -- whether it's mainly humans or whether it;s mainly natural. It makes an enormous difference in climate policy: Do we try to mitigate, at huge cost, or do we merely adapt to natural changes -- as our ancestors did for many millennia?

Such tipping points occur quite frequently in science. I have personally witnessed two paradigm shifts where world scientific opinion changed rapidly -- almost overnight. One was in Cosmology, where the "Steady State" theory of the Universe was replaced by the "Big Bang." This shift was confirmed by the discovery of the "microwave background radiation," which has already garnered Nobel prizes, and will likely get more.

The other major shift occurred in Continental Drift. After being denounced by the Science Establishment, the hypothesis of Alfred Wegener, initially based on approximate relations between South America and Africa, was dramatically confirmed by the discovery of "sea-floor spreading."
Remember, there has been no global warming for 15 years.

Related Post:

Let there be light: I won't be participating in Earth Hour

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1 comment:

Dan Pangburn said...

Search keywords AGW unveiled to discover the two drivers of climate change since before 1900.

CO2 is not one of them.