Friday, March 21, 2014

Rauner statement on Illinois' second-highest-in-the-nation jobless rate

Glenview, Illinois
The new ILL-inois unemployment figures are out--and they're terrible. Again.

From the Bruce Rauner gubernatorial campaign:
At the same time Illinois' top Democrats announced a plan to raise taxes on small businesses and family farms, the Illinois Department of Employment Security announced another month of dismal jobs numbers and a horrible unemployment rate.

IDES announced the unemployment rate for February remained unchanged at 8.7%. That's by far the worst unemployment rate in the Midwest and second worst in the entire nation.

"Pat Quinn's policies have led to fewer jobs and lower incomes. He is failing Illinois," said Bruce Rauner. "He's run out of new ideas and the working people of Illinois are running out of time. We need a new direction."
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