Thursday, March 20, 2014

ILL-inois: Democrats declare class warfare

After eleven years of misrule, Democrats in Illinois can point to a massive amount of unpaid bills, a $100 billion pension-funding shortfall, and the nation's second-highest unemployment rate. Our hapless governor, Chicagoan Pat Quinn, is so unpopular he even gets booed at sports championship rallies.

What to do?

Declare class warfare.

From the Chicago Tribune:
Illinois Democrats went all-in Thursday with their election-year class warfare theme as Speaker Michael Madigan pitched the idea of asking voters to raise taxes on millionaires, Senate President John Cullerton advanced a minimum-wage increase and Gov. Pat Quinn compared wealthy opponent Bruce Rauner to TV villain Mr. Burns.

Don't fall for this fingerpointing, Illinoisans. Throw the bums out.

And vote for Bruce Rauner for governor.

To follow Rauner on Facebook, click here. To follow him on Twitter, click here.

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