Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Obama sequester follies continue: Military commissaries will close one day a week

While the multiple Obama scandals continue to hold the attention of most people who don't get their news from Entertainment Tonight, the White House continues to choose high-visibility targets for sequester cuts.

The Belleville News-Democrat reports on one such instance in Illinois' Metro East area.
SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE — After more than three months of conflicting information, nearly 4,500 civilian base employees have learned they will begin taking the first of 11 unpaid furlough days on July 8, according to a statement issued by the base.

That's also the day when Scott's commissary -- a taxpayer subsidized grocery store where savings average 30 percent compared to civilian prices -- will begin the first of 11 once-a-week closures between July and Sept. 30. The commissary will be closed every Monday during that period.

Originally, when the sequester took effect March 1, Scott's civilian workers were scheduled to take 22 unpaid furlough days. Popular pressure on President Barack Obama and leaders of the U.S. Congress last month convinced them to cut the number of furlough days for Pentagon civilian workers to 11.

Scott's commissary, like hundreds of other commissaries on American military bases worldwide, will be closing one day per week to comply with the sequester. The budget-slashing mechanism aims to cut $85 billion from federal discretionary spending, with nearly half that amount coming from reductions to Pentagon expenditures.
The goal of the White House is to anger military families enough that they complain to their members of Congress so Obama can expand his reckless spending.

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