Friday, June 07, 2013

Hope and change: Big Brother Obama is watching you

The Obama overreach continues.

From Fox News:
The Obama administration found itself defending -- and beginning to explain -- yet another surveillance effort after leaked documents revealed information about two secret National Security Agency intelligence-gathering programs.

On top of a Guardian newspaper report that revealed how authorities were collecting phone records from millions, a Washington Post report detailed another program that scours major Internet companies including Google and Facebook for data. A former senior NSA official confirmed to Fox News that the program was started in 2007 by the FBI and NSA and allows them to tap into top U.S. Internet companies to pull audio, video and other data.
Of course the Obama White House is blaming George W. Bush for this program since it began in 2007. But at the very least, Obama continued the program, possibly expanding it. And Senator Obama made privacy incursions an issue when he was running for president.

Can't Obama ever take responsibility for anything?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We asked for change and we got a huge helping of business as usual. Washington's customs won't change as history has proven. Our founding fathers would cringe if they saw us now. I don't blame Obama, I don't blame Bush. I blame my fellow Americans. We all need to take accountability for the way things are.