Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Your tax dollars at work: Fed workers time spent on union work at 7-year hight

As you prepare this year's federal income tax returns, here is something to make you angry.

From Federal News Radio:
he amount of time federal employees spend working on union activities while on the job is at its highest rate in seven years.
Federal employees, on average, spent 2.82 hours on union-related work in fiscal 2011 as compared to 2.61 hours in 2010, according to a new report from the Office of Personnel Management.

"The Office of Personnel Management emphasizes that labor and management have a shared responsibility to ensure that official time is authorized and used appropriately," the agency stated in the report released Friday. "OPM expects labor and management to develop sensible arrangements for official time that meet the needs and expectations of agencies, employees and the ultimate customers-the American people."

Overall, employees spent 3,395,187 hours working on union activities in 2011, up from 3,096,018 in 2010. Total official time hours increased in each of the first four years during the Obama administration.
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