"Oh God of wisdom, justice, and might, we ask Your guidance for those who govern us, and on those who would govern us, the president and vice president, the Congress, the Supreme Court, and on all those who seek the common good by seeking public office, especially Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan," Dolan said in his prayer. "Make them all worthy to serve You by serving our country. And help them remember that the only just government is the government that serves its citizens rather than itself."
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Let’s face it: Cardinal Dolan is a Prince of the Church who wants to be King-maker.
But I’d like to humbly remind the good Cardinal, as he parades under the spotlights
of the political conventions: that there is room for only ONE real super-star in his religion.
The one who started it!
For as the Cardinal addresses and blesses the Republicans and their billionaire buddies,
as he smiles upon those who would destroy Social Security & voucher Medicare to death,
and as he struts on the stage with those who readily admit they “don’t care about the very poor”
......it would be good for the dear Cardinal to remember -and take to heart-
the words of his boss, who once said “Whatsoever you do for the least of these - you do for me”.
Unless perhaps, ...just perhaps, the Cardinal is working for someone else these days?
Just asking.
Our Founding Fathers wisely realized that politics, secular power, and religion do not mix.
That they bring out the worst in each other, ....that ultimately they would destroy each other, and us.
A pastor.....should stick to his pulpit, not political conventions. Period.
Had he been asked, Cardinal Dolan would have offered prayers at the Democratic National Convention.
As for religion and politics not mixing, after taking his first oath of office, George Washington added, "So help me God." Every president after him included Washington's addition.
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