Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama's base: 138K fewer young Chicagoans registered to vote

Here is some more ammunition for the belief that most pollsters are skewing their results--using 2008 voting trends instead of 2010 number.

From the Chicago Tribune:
The hometown buzz among young voters surrounding President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign isn't as strong this time out, if Chicago voter registration is any indication.

There are 138,000 fewer people signed up to vote in the 18-to-34-year-old group than the city ended up with four years ago, election officials said. In suburban Cook County, there are 50,000 fewer voters in that age group compared with the last presidential election.

The dynamic is not expected to hurt Obama's chances in Illinois against Republican Mitt Romney on Nov. 6. After all, Illinois has become a solidly Democratic state, and it's the one Obama calls home. Still, political analysts say, it's a trend worth noting — and not just in Chicago.

"It means that the younger voters just aren't as taken with the election as they were with the last one," said Andrew Kohut, president of the Washington-based Pew Research Center. "This is an important Democratic and Obama constituency, and should give pause to them."
It should. I'm sure this isn't just a Chicago thing.

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