Tuesday, September 04, 2012

California Democratic party chairman compares GOP to Goebbels

California, which has the lowest bond rating of any state--Illinois is right behind it--is run exclusively by Democrats. The party chairman there is a real sleazeball, as CBS San Francisco tells us:
The Chairman of the California Democratic Party already had political pundits, delegates and rivals buzzing a day before the Democratic National Convention formally opened in Charlotte, North Carolina, after telling KCBS Radio exclusively that Republican tactics had been akin to Nazi propaganda.

“They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie,” Chairman of the California Democratic Party John Burton told KCBS Monday in Charlotte. “As long as you lie, Joseph Goebbels, the big lie, you keep repeating it, you know.”

"I mean, that's very cynical, very dangerous," Burton said.

The Goebbels reference, in particular, drew quick response and rebuke from Republicans, and Burton was reminded that Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown once had to apologize after comparing GOP challenger Meg Whitman to Goebbels during an interview, also with KCBS.
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