Tuesday, July 24, 2012

(Video) Feinstein contradicts Obama on intelligence leaks--UPDATED--with Romney campaign statement

In response to questions about accusations that the White House is behind some recent national security leaks. "The notion that my White House [Note, it is in fact the people's house} would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. It's wrong," he said.

However, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA),  the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, contradicted Obama two days ago at the World Affairs Council Forum. Of those links she said,  "I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from its ranks. I don't know specifically where, but I think that they have to begin to understand that and do something about it."

Watch Feinstein--and Obama here:

Well, Obama's thugs apparently got to Feinstein and she is backing off of her statement. Here is the Mitt Romney campaign's response:
It looks like President Obama has given Dianne Feinstein the Cory Booker treatment. Yesterday she was speaking candidly about the leaks originating from this White House. Today, she was forced to walk it back. As Governor Romney said today, we need a leader who will take responsibility and immediately halt these security breaches before more American lives are put in danger. Ryan Williams, Romney Campaign Spokesman.
Booker, the Newark mayor who was one of the Democrats who criticized the Obama campaign's attacks on Bain Capital, very likely had a one-sided  'conversation' similar to the one I suspect Feinstein had with the Chicago office.

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